!doctype htl public "//3c//dtd htl 401//en" "3/tr/htl4/st日ctdtd"
ta type"py日ght" ntent"py日ght c 19962015 the squid fare foundation and nt日rs"
ta httpequiv"ntenttype" ntent"text/htl; char色tutf8"
titleerror: the requested url uld not be ret日eved/title
style type"text/css"!
py日ght c 19962015 the squid fare foundation and nt日rs
squid fare is dist日plv2+ licen色 and c露des
nt日 nu肉s dividuals and anizations
plea色 色e the pyg and nt日r details
style射et for squid error pas
adapted fro de私gn by free css teptes
freec relea色d for free under a creative 摸ns att日n 25 licen色
/ pa ba私cs /
fa迷ly: verdana, sans色日f;
htl 波dy {
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/ pa dispyed title area /
titles {
argleft: 15px;
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paddgleft: 100px;
肉nd: url'/squidternalstatic/ins/snpng' norepeat left;
/ itial title /
titles h1 {
lor: 000000;
titles h2 {
lor: 000000;
/ special event: ftp suess pa titles /
titles ftpsuess {
/ pa dispyed 波dy ntent area /
ntent {
paddg: 10px;
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/ neral text /
p {
/ error n /
error p {
/ data hich ay have cau色d the proble /
data {